Easter Promise

Genesis 9:12-17 – When I send the clouds over the earth, and a rainbow appears in the sky, I will remember my promise to you and to all other living creatures. 

Surprise Sign of Promise

On Easter Sunday morning, I received a text message from our son Josh. He was volunteering as a parking attendant at his church and sent me this picture of not just one rainbow but two! The beauty on display in this picture spoke deeply to my heart of God’s promises and care during this journey.

My second chemo treatment is coming up on April 9th. The side effects have been minimal so far; most of them occurred during the first few days. I have an appointment with the oncologist this Friday to get a deeper understanding of the treatment plan ahead. 

I am so grateful for the prayers, love, and encouragement from family and friends, and I truly feel as if I am being carried. As I reflect on the unknown path with my health, I remain in awe of my Amazing God. There is a depth of love and presence that I am experiencing from the Lord that is unique to the path that I am on. Psalm 91:1-2 has always been a beautiful promise for me, but it has taken a whole new meaning in this season as I walk this path holding tightly to my Father’s hand. Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

As I walk through this week, I have found myself making this declaration: 

God, you are my refuge, my place of safety. You are my God, and I TRUST YOU!

About rogersneighborhood

We are a family on a mission - to see lives changed and empowered spiritually, physically and economically as we serve with Empowering Lives International and an amazing community of staff and partners. https://empoweringlives.org/missionary/don-amy-rogers
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